
Viser opslag fra juli, 2012

Code syntax highlighter in blogger blogspot

Syntax highlighting is working! There are a lot of blogs on this, but this is what I needed to do to get it to work: Like every one else I use the fantastic SyntaxHighlighter  by Alex Gorbatchev. To get it to work for me I had to host the scripts from  SyntaxHighlighter  my self. Loading it as described at  http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter/hosting.html  did not work for me. It resulted in a redirect that the browser couldn't handle. Any way, with that in place, I could configure the theme to load the files. This was done by Template > Edit HTML in the blogger admin page. This yield a warning that you have to be careful and know what you are doing. So I was careful while I added: <link href='http://A_HOST/syntaxhighlighter/styles/shCore.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/> <link href='http://A_HOST/syntaxhighlighter/styles/shThemeDefault.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/> <script src='ht